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Document Name: Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) Program
Overview: Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) Program that includes measures for building a highly-effective TPRM program for assessing and monitoring all relevant third-parties with a formalized and documented due-diligence (both for initial vetting and continuous monitoring) process.
Specifically, the document includes the following sections:
(1). Overview. (2). Phase I: Risk Based Approach. (3). Phase II: Define Risk and Appropriate Level of Due-Diligence for Identified Parties. (4). Phase III: Performing Due-Diligence (See Appendices to Use). (5). Vendor Management Program. (6). Appendices
Compliance Mapping: Can be used for any compliance framework that requires a TPRM program to be in place.
Document Format: Microsoft Word.
Length: 58 pages.